Thursday, June 26, 2008

Plugging away

Ok Here is one of my enteries for the Challenge that Chris is running over on her blog.

My bluewishblade is still awaiting the new blade assembly. I have no patience. I want things like snap your fingers and they are fixed. The good thing about my cricut, I can run to the local store and get blades and new mats. YEAH!!!!

Oh yes, back to the file this one I did with the grass border file, Since I am off work in the summers (except for a week I spend at a college, for classes that integrate the arts into the classroom) I am always snapping pictures of the wild life in our yard. Except for Jules my beautiful Poodle, All the animals in this layout made a quick visit to the yard. The bunnies in the pictures do tend to come more often, and the woodchuck seems to have made a home under my neighbors shed. I want to get better pictures of him but can't always grab my camera in time. Hope you enjoy. Nina

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